Hada Labo Perfect X Simple Tamagohada Review for Sensitive Skin

9:43:00 AM 4 Comments A+ a-

Hada Labo Perfect X Simple Tamagohada has been my favorite facial wash for the past 8 months and in this review today I'm going to discuss the reasons why I love this product.

Before I used Hada Labo Perfect X Simple Tamagohada, I actually used to wash my face with just a baby soap. Why?
It's because the skin of my face is so sensitive that every time I used any facial wash product I always got acne all over my face. But to be honest, I didn't really enjoy using baby soap either. First, because it didn't feel like it's clean enough after a wash, and second, it's because it didn't really treat my skin at all. The texture of my skin was so coarse and it looked dull too.

When I came across Hada Labo Perfect X Simple Tamagohada, what made me excited was that it had AHA+BHA that has a mild peeling effect. And YES! I DO really need my dead skin cells peeled off.

Here's a brief information about the Hada Labo brand and Perfect X Simple Series as written on the bottle:

Price: IDR. 49.800 (100g)

"The Hada Labo skincare series is a result of co-development between The Mentholatum Co and Rohto Pharmaceutical Co, Japan adhering to stringent pharmaceutical GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) standards for zero pollution.

Using the technology developed through the production of OTC drugs, Hada Labo skincare line is produced in a pharmaceutical manufacturing environment, under strict GMP guidelines to ensure Quality, Reliability & Effectiveness in our products.

 With a philosophy 'Perfect x Simple', Hada Labo uses only the purest ingredients that are beneficial to the skin, with no unnecessary additives & manufactured under strict pharmaceutical standards."

There are 2 variants of Hada Labo Perfect X Simple Tamagohada. First is the one that works as face wash only, and second is the one that works as facial wash and makeup remover. Since I often ignored the time-consuming "proper steps" of makeup cleaning and just used soap (it's just to much work), I immediately went for the second variant ;P

But how effective was it really as a make up remover?

I did a simple experiment to prove this.
So one time, after a busy day with makeup on, when I was too tired (and of course, too lazy) to clean up my makeup, I washed my face with Hada Labo Perfect X Simple Tamagohada. Obviously, I still had all the foundation, powder, blush on, and all the make up still on my face. Then, after I finished cleaning up, I used the Face on Face makeup remover and examined the state of the cotton afterwards. And, as you can see below, it was clean! I was convinced.

Here's the texture of the cream. As you can see in the left picture, the texture of the cream may be a bit runny and oily at first after purchase, but after several weeks' use, the texture of the cream will sort of thicken (as shown in the right picture).

So, in conclusion, what I like about Hada Labo Perfect X Simple is that this facial wash really treats my skin face really well. After several days of using it, I could really feel that my skin became smoother and lighter and what's best is that it's also soft enough for my sensitive skin. I've been using it for 8 month and i haven't seen a single acne!

In closing, I really like Hada Labo because of their commitment to use only the purest ingredients that are beneficial to the skin, with no unnecessary additives such as coloring and perfume.

Great job, Hada Labo! ;)


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January 13, 2015 at 9:35 AM delete

Aku juga pkai hada labo tapi yg ultimate whitening shirojyun, emang lmbut bgt dh hada labo, tp biar no parfume aku tetap ngerasa agak aneh baunya, hahaha.
Btw, Main ke blog daku yooOoo :D


Miss Ephifany
January 13, 2015 at 7:50 PM delete

Hahaha.. iya baunya gimana gitu emang ya.. no perfume bukannya tanpa bau sama sekali ya emang :D tapi somehow mungkin karena udah terbiasa sama "baunya" hada labo sekarang kalau pake facial wash yang berbau malah ngerasa baunya terlalu kuat alias sengak gitu deh :P
btw, thx for stopping by and leave comment ya :)

January 16, 2015 at 10:57 PM delete

Same with me! Aku jg pake yang whitening. Aku dulu acne prone (medium soalnya ga sebegitu parah banget sih sebenernya), alhamdulillah pake face wash hada labo yg whitening bisa mengurangi acne ku! Soon aku bakal review yg hada labo whitening jg.

Btw, see my blog too harhillsbeauty.blogspot.com yaaah ;)

Nice review anyway :D

Miss Ephifany
January 16, 2015 at 11:33 PM delete

Ayo ditunggu review hada labo yang whitening nya yaaa... :D
