Maybelline Fashion Brow Coloring Mascara Review for Thick Eyebrows

3:57:00 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

There aren't many products for eyebrows in my country. So far, I've mostly only found eyebrows pencils. So when I found out that Maybelline actually has a Maybelline Fashion Brow Coloring Mascara for eyebrows, I got really excited. I simply HAD to to try it.

All this time, I've never been a fan of any eyebrows products because I have thick eyebrows and every time I used eyebrows pencils, I always ended up looking like Shin-chan (a Japanese cartoon brat with super thick eyebrows). The only way that would work is to trim them until it's like super thin before applying the eyebrows pencil, and I really didn't like that. In the end, I decided to stick with my own thick eyebrows and not putting anything on them.

But, to be completely honest, every time I look at someone with very nice and neat eyebrows, I would always feel a little jealous. Especially nowadays, when the Korea craze is all over my country and everyone has nice brown eyebrows.

Maybelline Fashion Brow Coloring Mascara

I finally bought the Mascara when it's on sale in Hypermart for IDR. 49.000. Which I assume the cheapest that you can get :D
For the color I chose dark brown.

My first thought about this eyebrows mascara is "what's up with that funny big wand?"
Maybelline Fashion Brow Coloring Mascara

At first, looking at the wand I don't have high expectation for this product, it probably make me look like sinchan again, but when I applied it I feel so surprise, IT DOES WORK REALLY GREAT! It gives my eyebrows a natural look and it gives my eyebrows a natural brown color. And surprisingly the funny looking wand works really great with my thick eyebrows. I really love it!

Here the picture of my eyebrow after I used Maybelline Fashion Brow Coloring Mascara

1. It's very cheap and affordable and yet the quality is very good
2. The wand really works great with my thick eyebrows. It makes them look neat and natural
3. The brown color is so natural that it doesn't make your eyebrows look fake
4. It really last long
4. Waterproof and smudge-proof!

The packaging is a bit plain

Repurchased? ABSOLUTELLY YES! :D

Again, Maybelline makes me add one of their item to my favorite.

So, how about you pretty readers? Have you tried it? Do you love it too? :D


NYX Chunky Dunk Review - Watermelon Cooler

2:27:00 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

 Hi pretty readers,

Today I want to share my review on this brand new NYX product I just bought yesterday, which is the NYX Chunky Dunk.
It's a lip balm shaped like a crayon with extra moisturizer to keep your lips hydrated.

It came in 12 colors with super cute names :D

And I bought the Watermelon Cooler

Here's a swatch on my hand and my lips

I got it for IDR.100.000 but when I searched on the internet, I found online stores that sold it for only IDR. 85.000 *hix..

What I like about this product:
1. It's very light and moist and keeps my lips hydrated as promised
2. It's got a glossy finishing
3. The color looks very natural and it's perfect for everyday wear
3. It can be layered for light to medium coverage
4. The packaging is so cute!

What I don't like about this product:
1. It's a bit pricy for me

Will I repurchase this?
I think I wanna try and get the other colors too and complete my collection :D

Except for the price, this is a very good product that I would gladly recommend to anyone. So, I'm giving it... 4 stars!!!

So, how bout you pretty readers? Have you tried this NYX Chunky Dunk lip balm? Do you love it too? Share your experience with me! :D

Miss Ephifany

Review Hyper Sharp Liner Eyeliner from Maybelline New York

10:41:00 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

Kali ini aku mau review salah satu item make up wajib pakai ku which is EYELINER!
Yap, cewe asia dengan mata tipis ala punyaku gini keluar rumah tanpa eyeliner is a BIG NO-NO banget dah. Secara mataku ini bukan cuma kecil tapi sendu sayu kaya orang ngantuk, jadinya kalo ga pake eyeliner pasti selalu dikira orang lagi ngantuk mulu *sebel*

Pertama kali kenal eyeliner itu duluuu banget jaman SMA, itupun taunya cuma eyeliner pensil dan dipakai cuma kalo pas lagi ada acara penting doang dan yang makein pun orang lain. Tapi daridulu yang namanya eyeliner pensil itu somehow ga pernah jodoh sama mataku. Ga perlu hitungan jam dah, hitungan menit aja pasti udah bleberan ga jelas bikin kantung mata hitam. Makanya dulu si sebel banget sama eyeliner.

Sampai pas jaman kuliah baru dah sama temen dikenalin sama yang namanya eyeliner cair yang bentuknya kaya pensil ujungnya ada kuasnya. Dan pertama kali tau eyeliner model gini lagsung deh jatuh hati berat. Walau emang si perjuangan awal bikinnya needs a lot of practice (ONE DOES NOT SIMPLY MAKES A PERFECT LINE!) but it's all worth it dah.
Tapi perjalanan sampe ketemu 1 merk eyeliner cair yang cocok juga ga sebentar. Sempet beberapa kali gonta ganti merk, karena somehow mataku emang paling jagoan bikin eyeliner smudge sampe akhirnya secara ga sengaja ketemu sama Maybelline Hyper Sharp Liner. And I TOTALLY LOVE IT until now!

Kenapa bisa gitu?
1. Ujungnya tipis gampang banget untuk bikin cat eye
1. Selain tipis, ujung Hyper Sharp Liner Maybelline ini aku bilang paling pas. Ga terlalu kaku tapi juga ga terlalu lembek. Jadi buat bikin line di mata tu enak banget. Sekali garis jadi dah.
2. Hyper Sharp Liner Eyeliner ini bener2 waterproof tahan lama buanget. Mau diguyur air aja sama sekali ga memudar, digosok-gosok pun dia masih tetap bertahan.

3. This is an anti-smudge eyeliner. Satu2nya eyeliner yang bisa mengatasi mataku yang ahlinya bikin bleber. Mau dipake sampai 12 jam aja sama sekali ga bleber. Paling cm agak hilang atau menipis doang, tapi itu pun minimal sekali. (Dengan catatan ga pake acara kucek2 mata lho ya)
4. Warna hitamnya tegas. Sekali oles mataku yang sipit sendu sayu secara ajaib lagsung berubah jadi besar. Suka banget dah!
5. It's very affordable. Untuk kualitas eyeliner sebagus ini, IDR. 79.000 menurut saya si is a very good price.

So, buat aku Hyper Sharp Liner dari Maybelline sejauh ini adalah eyeliner paling bagus dan cocok buat aku. Gampang banget dipakainya bahkan untuk yang masih amatir dalam dunia per-eyeliner-an sekalipun :D
So, I'm going to give this product 5 STARS!!!

So, how bout you, Ladies? What is your favorite eyeliner Let's share it with me :)

L'Oreal True Match Mineral Foundation with Brush Review

5:49:00 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

Sejauh ini si saya bukanlah penggemar berat foundation. Untuk urusan alas bedak somehow saya si lebih prefer untuk pakai BB cream atau CC cream, alasannya si saya merasa BB cream dan CC cream itu texture nya lebih ringan dan jatuhnya lebih natural dan halus di wajah.

Sampai suatu hari keluarga besar suami ada rencana bikin foto keluarga besar dan saya memutuskan untuk dandan sendiri. Saya pikir si kalo untuk urusan foto2, cuma pakai BB cream atau CC Cream kayanya kok kurang nampol deh (walau si sepertinya saya juga bakal terlihat kecil di foto keluarga itu secara jumlah orangnya banyak banget, hehehe) dan mulailah saya cari2 foundation.

L'Oreal true match mineral foundation with brush ini Pertama kali saya lihat bulan lalu di M*t*h*r* Dept. Store dan somehow saya langsung naksir berat lihat packagingnya yang super cute ada brush nya. tapi karena harganya agak lumayan mahal (which is IDR. 199.000) saya masih pikir2 lagi sambil cari2 review soal produk ini.

Review tentang produk ini yang saya temukan di internet si bagus2, so far ratingnya bintang 4 deh. Dan akhirnya bulan inipun I decided to give it a try.

Ini penampakan si foundation imut ini:

Untuk shade saya pilih soft ivory N-21/456

Baru ngeh kalo ternyata ada spf 19 nya setelah ngeletek sticker di pantat botolnya, hehehe...

Bagian dalamnya setelah segelnya dibuka

Dan saatnya mencoba...
Oke.. 1.... 2.... 3.... And GO!!!

L'Oreal true match mineral foundation with brush ini berbentuk bubuk seperti bedak, tapi butir-butirnya tidak sehalus butir-butir bedak.
Ternyata pengaplikasian foundation  dengan brush ga semudah yang saya kira. Saya harus make sure foundation yang nyangkut di brush nya ga terlalu banyak, karena kebanyakan sedikit foundationnya agak susah diratainnya sehingga terlihat menggumpal di wajah. Dan tentu saja ternyata agak susah untuk mengaplikasikannya di daerah sekitar sudut2 mata.
Sesaat setelah di aplikasi kan pada wajah, foundation ini kelihatan ga terlalu menyatu dengan warna kulit dan memberi kesan sedikit pucat kusam, tapi setelah didiamkan beberapa saat foundation ini mulai menyatu dengan warna kulit dan asal pengaplikasiaanya ga terlalu tebal warnanya di kulit lumayan terlihat natural. Namun sayangnya, menurut saya si foundation ini ga terlalu berhasil menutup beberapa noda di wajah saya. Beberapa noda masih terlihay malu-malu kucing tuh.. Hehe..
So far saya rasa tekstur foundation inio cukup ringan di wajah dan tidak terkesan tebal dan berat.

- Packaging nya dengan brush benar2 menarik perhatian
- Brush nya cukup lembut
- Teksturnya ringan
- Hasil akhirnya halus dan tidak berminyak
- Mengandung SPF 19

- Pengaplikasiaan nya agak sulit terutama untuk daerah sekitar sudut- sudut mata
- Jika saat pengaplikasian foundation terlalu banyak akan menggumpal di wajah dan susah untuk diratakan
- Shade yang saya pilih jatuhnya agak terlalu pucat untuk kulit saya
- Mudah luntur
- Brush nya terasa agak sedikit kasar

So far untuk saya produk ini saya beri rating BINTANG 3

Repurchase?  Sepertinya si tidak, hehe...

So this is what I think about L'Oreal true match mineral foundation with brush, girls, how bout you? Let's share it with me :)


L'Oreal Paris Fall Repair 3X Anti-Hairfall Shampoo Review

3:05:00 PM 0 Comments A+ a-

A couple of months after I had my beautiful baby girl, I started to have my hair fall out in a very large amount. I can find my hair almost in every corner in my house. I know that as a read in some of the article that due to hormonal condition it's TOTALLY NORMAL for women who just gave birth to starting to lose their hair, but still as a woman, I PANICKED because I could clearly see some part of my scalp was starting to get bald especially the I don’t wanna get bald -_-“”” 

I’ve been trying natural remedy from celery to aloe vera, changing to one shampoo to another and yet still my hair fall uncontrollable. Feeling hopeless because as I read it’s somehow unavoidable, then I decide to cut my hair short, in the hope that at least it will look fuller while waiting for it to stop falling and grow back. 

Until one day, I found L'Oreal Fall Repair 3X Anti-Hair Fall Shampoo. As you can read in the back part bottle of this shampoo that this shampoo is infused with ARGININE ESSENCE, an amino-acid essential for hair’s constitution, the formula helps deliver a triple anti-hair fall action: 
1. Nourish from the roots 
2. Restructure hair fiber 
3. Hair grow stronger 

I used this product for about a month and the result is AMAZING! My hair stopped fall out and I could clearly see new hair is growing back in the place where it got bald. I’m so happy with the result of this shampoo.

1. Reduce my hair fall in a significant number
2. Makes my hair softer and more manageable
3. It smells good (fruity)
4. Affordable
5. Available in different sizes
6. The bottle is very stylish. I LOVE the color combination of its packaging :)

1. The flip open cap is a bit loose

Overall I really LOVE this product because this product really helps me with my hair fall problem. and I give this product 5 Stars. So, how bout you? :)
